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Linux Download and Install

First you must
Install TCL/TK
Install OpenVerse (RPM|SRC.RPM|DEB|TAR.GZ)

If you are running Red Hat or one of it's variants (Mandrake, SuSE, Kondra, etc..) we suggest you get the RPM and install with:
rpm -Uvh OpenVerse-0.8-7.noarch.rpm
As root.

If you are running Debian stable you can either:
dpkg -i openverse_0.8.5-1_all.deb
or, if you have the appropriate deb-src line in your sources.list:
apt-get source -b openverse

If you have the unstable or testing branch apt-get will download our latest version in the usual way:
apt-get install openverse

You can view the Debian package page here

Users of other distros (Slackware, etc..) can download the TAR.GZ and follow our simple UNIX instructions

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room